Professional, Confidential & Caring Service


We offer a comprehensive selection of coffins, from Italian Caskets to eco-friendly, hand-weaved willow coffin. We have developed our range to meet the changing needs of our customers and to offer a greater selection to assist the client in choosing the product which most appropriately suits their needs.

The BarrowBarrow

Panelled solid european oak coffin, finished in high gloss and fitted with metal handles and a standard interior.

The TRL BeaumontBeaumont

Triple lid plain veneered oak coffin, fitted with metal handles and a standard interior.

The FermoyFermoy-Image

Honey shaded solid larch timber coffin with ornate detailed features. Finished in a piano high gloss and fitted with antiqued metal handles and a superior interior.

The Finnfinn

Veneered Oak MDF, Panelled Sides, Unique Casket Style, Riser, High Gloss Finish

The Foylefoyle

Veneered Oak Plain Sides, Unique Casket Style, Riser ,High Gloss Finish

The GraftonGrafton

Exquisitely crafted by hand from the finest solid mahogany and finished in a piano high gloss. Fitted with solid brass handles and a premium quality interior.

The GlenellyGlenelly

Oak veneered coffin with metal handles and a standard interior.

The Italian Last Supperitalianlsupper

Solid Larchwood with last supper features, finished in high gloss and fitted with metal handles and a superior interior.

The Kells LourdesKells-Lourdes--2-

Panel oak veneered timber coffin with Lourdes image, finished in high gloss and fitted with purple-bar metal handles and a superior interior.

The KenmareKenmare-Image

Solid European oak, with deep rope carving features and finished in a piano high gloss, with two-tone shading. fitted with semi-solid brass handles and a premium quality interior.

The Kells Knock SceneKnock-Scene--767-Purple-

Panel oak veneered timber coffin with Our Lady of Knock image, finished in high gloss and fitted with purple-bar metal handles and a superior interior.

The Kenmare Mahogany-Kenmare-coffin-image

Solid European Mahogany, with deep rope carving features and finished in a piano high gloss, with two-tone shading. Fitted with semi-solid brass handles and a premium quality interior.

The KinsaleKinsale

Contour panel oak veneered coffin, constructed from timber and mdf, fitted with plastic handles and a standard interior.

The KilkennyKilkenny-1166

Panel oak veneered on timber coffin with last supper features, finished in high gloss and fitted with metal handles and a superior interior.

The Last Supper (Medium Shaded)lastsupper

Veneered Oak MDF, Last Supper, Unique Casket Style, Riser, High Gloss Finish

The Last Supper (Lighter Shaded)L.Supper

Veneered Oak MDF, Sculptured L.Supper, Unique Casket Style, Riser, High Gloss Finish

The Life Style Golferlifestylegolfer

Finn Coffin
Interchangeable Lifestyle Plaque

Life Style Plaqueslifestyleplaques

Individual plaques for display in your showroom and interchangeable on coffins

The Lourde Scenelourdescene

Veneered Oak MDF, Sculptured Lourdes Scene, Unique Casket Style Riser, High Gloss Finish

The MacroomMacroom

Semi-solid oak coffin finished in high gloss. Fitted with brass finished metal handles and a superior interior.

The MellifontThe-Mellifont

Paneled solid American red oak coffin, finished in a high gloss and fitted with wood-bar metal handles and a superior interior.

The Mournemourne

Veneered Oak MDF, Panelled Sides, Unique Casket Style, Riser, High Gloss Finish

The MerrionMerrion-image

Crafted from the finest solid mahogany, embellished with brass trimming and finished in a piano high gloss. Fitted with solid brass handles and a premium quality interior.

The NavanNavan

Oval panel elm veneered coffin, fitted with metal handles and a standard interior.

The San RemoSanRemo

Oak veneered coffin with fitted metal handles and a standard interior.

The Slaneslane-Image

Oak veneered coffin with profiled features to coffin sides, fitted with metal handles and a standard interior.

The SperrinSperrin

Paneled solid American red oak coffin, finished in a

Child’s Casket Whitechildscasketwhite

Child’s coffin with a white teddy feature.


Contact Us

Our directors are on call twenty-four hours a day every day of the year, ready to serve our community and those in need during their hour of loss.

  • Roxtown, Tooban, Burnfoot, Co. Donegal
  • Available 24/7
  • Shaun: 086 8093110
  • Office 07493 60313